A!Ha Sink or Swim Board Game


Availability: Only 2 left in stock

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nnWelcome to Sink or Swim, the ultimate pool party and a cool way to refresh your brain after a hard day at work or school.nn

nHOW TO PLAY:nSlide the boy on the red inner tube (Piece No.1) to the steps in the lower right corner of the pool. To succeed in doing this, you’ll have to move several or all of the other puzzle pieces blocking his way.nnThe Challenges:nFifty invigorating challenges spread over five levels of difficulty will keep even the most enthusiastic brainteaser puzzle fan waterlogged for days!nLifeguard on Duty:nIf your brain starts to sink, don’t panic. A complete sequential move solution for each challenge is included.n50 Challenges! So what are you waiting for?   Dive in!nn 

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