Servant of Time – Poetry Collection by Theresa Jones


This poetry collection paints a portrait of life, one women’s journey told through poems that reflect the reality of many women. To shine a ray of hope. It is told in four sections. People & Life, cancer, dementia, suicide; family lost, taken before their time as in Months Mind, White Roses, I Wander. Nature Heals, a mindful journey through the Comeragh Mountains in Bagwells Folly, Around Clonmel, Apples and others. The wild isolation of the Nanny Water Cottage in Laytown. How the environment restores our sanity in Footsteps and reduces stress through the call of the blackbird, rushing water of a mountain stream, rustle of leaves on trees in the wind or crunch beneath our feet in Autumn. A balm for the soul. Relationships, the resilience of women, the support others give or not in Walls, Gilded Cage, Street Angel – HouseS Devil. The possibility of restoring self-esteem to endure life’s challenges, slay your dragons, calm your anxiety; then as a phoenix rise to rebuild your life and value your skills. Observations and Memories is an ironic look at how people treat each other and the environment. To know that True Friends will tell you if your knickers are showing or lipstick is smudged. In Remember Me, a look at local politicians and how they network. A poetry collection to remind us that strangers can often treat us better than we treat ourselves until we learn to love the stranger within.

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